
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Best Pancake Recipe Ever - Neil's Pancakes from Clinton Street Bakery in NYC

To kick off my first post I want to share with everyone a story about how we found our favorite pancakes in the lower east side in NYC. It is a endless search in NYC to discover that special weekend breakfast place.  One that takes many cab rides and sitting in long brunch lines to find that "one place" After 5 years of searching, one morning we got up again to explore a new place in the Lower East Side and we found the Best Pancakes.  

 Then after a move to jersey and two kids - one night crashed in my couch i heard promos of the Martha Stewart show making Clinton street bakery's famous pancakes. i was so excited and made sure to dvr it. carefully i followed the recipe and watch the show twice so I could get all the tricks in making the perfect pancake. i tested the recipe and it was super delicious and i hope you agree.